Welcome back to the 29th installment of my blog, in which I don’t claim to be an expert, in fact the opposite. I’m a new user to the AR platform and want to share my findings and experiences as I go through and build rifles as well as being the Operations Manager at Tyrant Designs.


The Webster dictionary defines ammunition as the projectiles with their fuses, propelling charges, or primers fired from guns. But if your ammo doesn’t fire due to poor storage practices is it actually still ammo?


Whether your waiting for a solar flare to wipe out all electronics, or the zombie apocalypse, you probably store ammunition. It’s important to understand moisture and temperature fluctuations can corrode your ammo supply. Here are 5 simple tips for storing ammunition.


1. Buy good ammo


Buying quality ammunition from a reputable manufacturer is the 1 prerequisite of storing ammunition. Make sure you are not buying 1 off ammo that is only cheap because they are production rejects. Do your best to inspect all ammo you plan to store. Don’t buy old ammo because you don’t know that it was properly stored before it reached you.


2. Store in the proper area


You want to place your ammo in a dry area that is also cool and dark. Make sure the area isn’t damp as this would make corrosion more likely to happen over time.


3. Store in proper containers


Take your ammunition and make sure you have it inside of plastic bags. Vacuum sealers work wonders and are both cheap and simple to use. Bags of properly sealed ammo should then be held in an ammo box/can that has some type of rubber seal that will keep moisture out.


4. Keep moisture out


Silica gel packets are an inexpensive solution to absorbing excess moisture. When the packets have absorbed too much moisture they will change color. This should make it easy to know when to change them out. 


5. Use labels


Date your ammo so you know which is oldest and use the FIFO (First in, First out) system. Ammo that is bought first, stored first, should also be ammo that is used first.


Don’t be cheap. Buy quality ammo, a vacuum sealer, and silica gel packets, and you will be covered from corrosive elements. It’s no a perfect science but it’s better to be prepared than to have wasted money not properly storing your ammunition.