When it comes to owning an AR-15, or modern sporting rifle, there are two typical paths that people take on their way to ownership: either you buy a factory rifle, or you build one piece-by-piece yourself. There are pros and cons to each route you might take, and we will walk you through that because it is purely up to you whether either choice might be best. One upside to purchasing a factory rifle is it typically carries a Warranty (more times than not) in the event something bad would happen. If the rifle is failing-to-eject (FTE) or failing to feed (FTF), then you can send the rifle in for service by trained professionals. Also, there are tolerances in quality that need to be met before your rifle leaves that factory floor. The firearm is checked over by a gunsmith and you are getting a presumably high-quality product. Finally, there is always some brand recognition amongst your friends at the water cooler. “I just bought this weekend X, Y, Z (insert your favorite brand) groovy rifle” which is followed by lots of Oooohs and Aaaaahs from your friends. Similarly, if you want to build your own AR-15, there can be name brand recognition and range envy from your friends as well. Especially if you trick out a rifle with a bunch of Tyrant Designs components. Also, when you build a rifle yourself you are meticulously hand-picking every part to your exacting taste. You are getting an end product that results in exactly what you want; not you settling for something or a vision that is merely “close.” Another benefit to building your own AR-15 is the knowledge gained from having done so. Yes, you might need to incur more purchases by having the appropriate tools, there could be a scuffed knuckle, and a swear word or two along the way, but you are acquiring a lot of valuable knowledge about your weapon system. Moreover, you could make this a bonding experience with your kids, spouse, or friends. All in all, it only takes 30 – 60 minutes to build an AR-15 from start to finish, so in one afternoon you could build a firearm and be off-and-running at the range. There is a lot of pride in building something yourself from scratch with your hands. So, if you are in the market to get your first or another AR-15, that is some food for thought for you. Until next time, continually check out our blog, join our newsletter, and watch the website for new and exciting updates! As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the comments below. We love it when you participate in our articles and keep the conversation going!