When it comes to new innovations surrounding all of the passions that we as gun owners hold dear, one that doesn’t get enough light shined on it would be motorsports. This is a vague and large category to include 4-wheelers, UTVs (like a Polaris Ranger), hot sports cars that we all hung posters of on our wall as teenagers, and even now something new called eBikes. We have all heard of electric cars, and an eBike (electric bike) is not that far off. An eBike is a bicycle that has the dual power of electric propulsion as well as the traditional pedaling force you apply. What is neat about eBikes is the fact that you can “gear” them up like a traditional 10- or 15-speed road bike. This gearing brings new meaning when you talk about eBikes though because it gives you an amplification of output. If you apply 1x of effort into pedaling on your eBike, you can get 5x of speed generated from that. So, in a sense, you can pedal longer, harder, and further than ever before because you are getting exponentially more work and speed out of your eBike than ever before! The ways that this can be helpful to all of us are plentiful. For one, if you live in the urban jungle of a big city, you could make your morning commute on an eBike. If you happen to live 3-4 miles from your office and that paltry, short commute takes 20 minutes because of traffic, you could probably get there faster on an eBike. Most can go 25+ MPH and they afford you the ability to get on sidewalks, walking paths, and you can skip parking by likely bringing your eBike into the office. Most of us dreamed of the day we would purchase our 1st car, but maybe it is time to look back to simpler technology in that of an eBike. Another reason why eBikes are exploding in popularity is because of their terrific use for hunting. If you want to go on public hunting land where “no motorized vehicles are allowed,” what most of those blanket statement laws are referring to are gasoline-powered vehicles. This is two-fold. Some areas don’t want the perceived air pollution and also it can be a fire hazard during periods of drought. So, with an electric eBike you can silently ride up onto your favorite hunting area and do it more environmentally friendly as well. Also, if you simply love being outdoors, but are not one of those people who train for marathons on the weekend (there are some crazy people out there, I tell ya) then an eBike is a great recreational alternative when most of us are not fit like Lance Armstrong. Overall, if you have not given eBikes a look, you want to give them a try. You will likely be impressed when you use one for the 1st time. Until next time, continually check out our blog, join our newsletter, and watch the website for new and exciting updates! As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the Comments below. We love it when you participate in our articles and keep the conversation going!